Chiropractic Blog

School is back in session and hopefully, your child has settled into a routine of sleep, study, and play. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is the major concern for parents as their child heads back to school. Family chiropractic treatment is a good place to start to find an alternative to medications.

Children with ADHD can have a hard time getting used to classrooms and homework, so here are a few steps parents can take to make the transition easier for them:

  • Get Organized -- Help your child stay on top of homework with a daily planner or bulletin board (a dry-erase board works great) to post due dates and reminders; storage bins for school supplies to keep study space neat and free from distractions, and color-coded folders or a multi-pocket binder to keep assignments straight.
  • Back-to-School Calendar -- Write all of the activities your child has planned on one big calendar. Include things like after-school clubs, sports, music lessons, and regular play dates. Add special projects and tests as they come up. Leave room in each day for homework, plus some time to relax. If you let your child help design the schedule, they will feel a sense of ownership. Go over the schedule each day until the routine is understood and becomes a habit.
  • Ease Into the New Schedule -- If your child still wants to sleep in, start waking your child up a little earlier each day. Make bedtime a little earlier each night, too. Start back on any ADHD medicines if you took a break for the summer.
  • Post the Routine -- Put a list of the daily morning activities on the fridge or somewhere your child will see it, including getting dressed, making their bed, eating breakfast, packing up homework and lunch.
  • Talk to the Teacher -- Meet with your child's teacher. Talk about classroom changes that helped your child in past, such as sitting in the front of the class, away from distractions like friends and windows.

Because the treatment for ADHD typically involves the use of psychiatric medications and behavior therapy, parents are increasingly concerned about the long-term use of psychotropic drugs, with a potential for serious side effects. Ask your family chiropractor about alternative treatments to help you find another solution for the issue of ADHD.

So that your child can begin the school year at their highest potential for learning, call McKim Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation with a family chiropractor. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the children of Nampa, ID achieve health wholeness!


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