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As with so many things, an ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure when it comes to neck pain. Being aware of good sleeping positions and proper pillows can help minimize your pain. Of course, some causes of neck pain, such as age-related wear and tear, are not under your control. But there are some things you can do to minimize pain. Look at how you sleep and the effect it can have on neck pain.

Two sleeping positions are easiest on the neck--on your side or on your back. Here are five tips that can help minimize the risk of neck pain for side-and back-sleepers:

  1. Choose a rounded pillow to support the natural curve of your neck, with a flatter pillow cushioning your head.
  2. Try using a feather pillow, which easily conforms to the shape of the neck. However, feather pillows “collapse” and will need to be replaced every year or so.
  3. Try a traditionally shaped pillow with "memory foam" that conforms to the contour of your head and neck. Pillow manufacturers claim that memory foam pillows foster proper spinal alignment.
  4. Avoid using too high or stiff a pillow, which keeps the neck flexed overnight, resulting in morning pain and stiffness.
  5. When riding in a plane, train, or car, or even just watching TV, a horseshoe-shaped pillow can support your neck and prevent your head from dropping to one side if you doze. 

Sleeping on your stomach is tough on your spine because the back is arched and your neck is turned to the side. Try starting the night sleeping on your back or side in a well-supported, healthy position.

Research suggests that sleep, or the lack thereof, plays a role in musculoskeletal pain, including neck and shoulder pain. Sleep disturbances disrupt the muscle relaxation and healing that normally occur during sleep. Also, it is well established that pain can disrupt sleep, contributing to a vicious cycle of pain disrupting sleep, and sleep problems contributing to pain.

Wondering how should you sleep to avoid neck pain? Contact McKim Chiropractic to schedule a consultation with a neck chiropractor. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the residents of Nampa, ID sleep well for renewed energy.

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