Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractors are experts in the care of the bones, nerves, muscles and connective tissues that make up about 60% of your body. This encompasses many physical problems including headaches, back and neck pain. These irritating, yet formidable conditions just don't respond well to medical treatment. Ironically, they are generally the result of physical trauma, and no one reverses physical trauma better than a chiropractor.

The nervous system is the "master system," controlling every function within our body. Physical trauma results in many diseases. Imagine if chiropractors were used as gatekeepers in hospitals and clinics everywhere, and given the opportunity of checking each patient for subluxations before they were given medications or other aggressive tests and procedures. If subluxations were found, a course of chiropractic adjustments could be administered for a period of time. Not only would this have the potential of circumventing many unnecessary medical procedures, it would cut down on dangerous adverse reactions to trial drugs, while providing financial savings to the patient.

 Chiropractors help their patients get well without the use of drugs or surgery...just by using their hands. Dr. Clarence Gonstead, a well-known doctor of chiropractic, said "The chiropractic adjustment shows the vertebra the way home, back to where nature intended it to be..." allowing the body to heal itself, also the way nature intended.

Before considering invasive surgical procedures or drugs, call our chiropractors at McKim Chiropractic today or go to for more information and to schedule an appointment. Our licensed and certified staff is committed to helping the residents of Nampa, ID live in health wholeness!

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