Decompression Blog

Your history of back pain and the severity of your pain may determine the type of low back pain treatment you need. Most people will get better within six weeks without surgery or medication. However, if that is not the case with you and your back pain persists or worsens, your chiropractor will give you a thorough examination and then prescribe a combination of the low back pain treatment options described below:

  • Limited Rest: Rest allows the injured tissue and nerve roots to begin to heal, which in turn helps relieve lower back pain. Any longer than a few days will lead to a weakening of the muscles.
  • Ice vs. Heat: An application of ice on the muscle helps to reduce inflammation and also relieves pain. Follow icing with heat, if desired, as it soothes and relaxes the muscles.
  • Spinal Manipulation: Spinal manipulative therapy combines moving and jolting joints, massage, exercise, and physical therapy. It is designed to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function by making sure the spine is in the proper alignment. It is an effective, safe and drugless form of low back pain treatment.
  • The DRS Protocol™: This is a non-invasive, non-surgical low back pain treatment option that is specialized for the patient. This is a slow gentle process, so it allows the muscles and tendons to respond to the treatment. Motorized and computerized spinal decompression allows the ability to target the injured disc.

It is advisable to seek a diagnosis to determine the underlying cause of lower back pain and seek appropriate treatment. A physical exam will be conducted to assess nerve function and motion in the lower back. Sometimes diagnostic tests (such as an x-ray or MRI) will be recommended to better assess the anatomy of the spine and determine the appropriate course of care.

The chiropractors at McKim Chiropractic specialize in low back pain treatment with the DRS Protocol™, a non-surgical alternative treatment for pain associated with spinal and disc problems. Call McKim Chiropractic today for more information about low back pain treatment and to schedule a consultation. Following a thorough examination, a course of low back pain treatment will be customized uniquely for you. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Nampa, ID take the first step on the road to recovery.

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