Decompression Blog

If you have lasting back pain and other related symptoms, you may be unable to think of little else except finding relief. Is spinal decompression therapy (it could be either surgical or non-surgical) right for you? Here are a few facts to consider about spine decompression therapy:

What Is Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Nonsurgical spinal decompression is a type of motorized traction that works by gently stretching the spine to change the force and position of the spine. This change takes the pressure off the spinal discs (gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine), by creating negative pressure in the disc. As a result, bulging or herniated discs may retract, taking the pressure off nerves and other structures in your spine. This, in turn, helps promote movement of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids into the discs so they can heal.

Nonsurgical spinal decompression has been used to treat:

  • Back or neck pain or sciatica (pain, weakness, or tingling that extends down the leg),
  • Bulging or herniated disc or degenerative disc disease
  • Worn spinal joints (called posterior facet syndrome)
  • Injured or diseased spinal nerve roots

There are a few other alternatives to surgery that may be used in conjunction with nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy, including:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Physical therapy
  • Exercise 
  • Limited rest
  • Steroid injections
  • Bracing
  • Spinal manipulation 

Who Should Not Have Nonsurgical Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Your Chiropractic Doctor will give you a thorough examination to determine whether you a good candidate for spinal decompression therapy. Those with any of the following conditions should not be considered:

  • Pregnancy
  • Fracture
  • Tumor
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm 
  • Advanced osteoporosis
  • Metal implants in the spine

Surgical spinal decompression is the last resort for treating certain types of back pain! If other measures don't work, your doctor may suggest surgical spinal decompression for bulging or ruptured discs, bony growths, or other spinal problems. As with any surgery, there are risks of spinal decompression surgery, including infection, bleeding, blood clots, allergic reaction to anesthesia, nerve or tissue damage, and no guarantee of reduced pain.

Call McKim Chiropractic today for more information about the DRS Protocol™, an innovative non-surgical spinal decompression therapy to relieve back pain associated with spinal and disc problems.

Schedule a consultation with one of our Doctors of Chiropractic at McKim Chiropractic. You will be given a thorough examination to determine whether you are a candidate for the DRS Protocol™. Our licensed and certified staff is happy to help the residents of Nampa, ID live life pain-free.

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